Anti-pandemic rules to continue with refinement


Anti-pandemic rules to continue with refinement

  China will continue its routine COVID
  19 control measures this year, with a focus on rolling out targeted and scientific measures to minimize their impact on normal production and lives, as well as accelerating research into vaccines and medicines, according to the Government Work Report released on Saturday.
  The country will stick to its strategy of preventing imported infections and domestic flareups while refining its virus containment measures by stepping up the capabilities of port cities, intensifying studies into virus mutations and continuing the mass vaccination campaign.
  Last year, China consolidated outcomes achieved through its effective COVID-19 response and fully vaccinated over 85 percent of its population, according to the report, which Premier Li Keqiang delivered at the opening of the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.
  "Local outbreaks were suppressed in an effective and quick manner," he said. "By making these efforts, we ensured the health and safety of the people and maintained the normal order of work and life."
  The country's dynamic zerocase policy, which emphasizes prompt control of fresh domestic outbreaks, has enabled it to maintain "a worldleading position in COVID-19 control", according to another work report issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on Saturday.

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